Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Some have called him Satan. Others have called him a breath of fresh air. However, you look at life, religion, spirituality, and Christianity (its old roots and its modern edifaces), you will have an opinion about this book and its author, Michael Vito Tosto. The controversy it has begun can be found on various sites on the Internet: "just google it."

Available in print through online bookstores. (Ask your local bookstore to order it through Ingram or Books in Print). Available soon in digital form.

Description: In this conversational, theological book, Tosto details a new spiritual approach for knowing God in the 21st century. This new approach is called Joshuanism, an evolved expression of Christianity (though it draws from other sources as well, such as Buddhism, existentialism, psychology, and science), rooted in the same son of God Christianity worships: Jesus. Yet in this case, we are approaching him with a fresh, unencumbered perspective, preferring to call on him by his Hebrew name: Joshua. Thus, Joshuanism.

Video Book Announcement:

Press release: Click here.


From Online Bookstores:

This is an excellent book. Well written, well researched, competent, and able to hold your interest. You might not agree with all the conclusions reached in this book, but the writer definitely asks all the right questions, and at least he's attempting to answer them in new and relevant ways. This is the kind of book I would recommend to anyone who's spiritual or religious journey is in need of a jolt, if nothing else, this book will get you thinking. Tosto seems like an up and coming voice for the current generation, someone who can isolate the truest spiritual needs under the surface of our culture and speak to those needs in a way that strikes a nerve. Five stars. This book is definitely worth a read. (Reagan, Amazon)

I know the author. He gave me a free copy of the book. Because of my background in Christianity, I did not expect to like this book. I don't doubt Mr. Tosto's writing prowess, but I was sure the content would irk me. I even had a pad of paper and a pen handy when I began to read this so I could notate all the problems I had with the theology. And yes, I did have a few...BUT...I could NOT put this book down. I stayed up all night until I finished and when I was done I thought to myself, "Yes, this is the future." And I was won over. Bravo, Mike! You've begun something that I think will soon be everywhere. (Starfire 98, Amazon)

5-star rating, no reviews yet (Barnes & Noble)

From GoodReads:

Rated 5 stars by Jenna Mccain and Tracy Alvarez and 3 stars by Steve Parker.

From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

A work of theology and spirituality, detailing an alternative to the current manifestations of Christianity, yet still rooted in the same Son of God.

In this conversational, theological book, Tosto details a new spiritual approach for knowing God in the 21st century. This new approach is called Joshuanism, an evolved expression of Christianity (though it draws from other sources as well, such as Buddhism, existentialism, psychology, and science), rooted in the same son of God Christianity worships: Jesus. Yet in this case, we are approaching him with a fresh, unencumbered perspective, preferring to call on him by his Hebrew name: Joshua. Thus, Joshuanism.

The book is constructed to be a “journey of thought,” taking the reader through a presented argument for why an alternative, or a path beyond, is needed, what that path might look like, and why Joshuanism provides such an alternative for those who no longer see contemporary Christianity as a suitable means to practice their spirituality.

Among the themes explored are: practical spirituality, authentic godliness, altruistic love, genuine faith, hope,
intimate community, holistic health, the deconstruction of the organized church setting, the restoration of the home gathering, the removal of the financial system from spirituality, the marriage of faith and science, tolerance and acceptance, progressive spiritual thinking, and the evolution of our spiritual consciousness.

Though not meant to be a litany of defects, the book does explore, in great detail, the perceived failings of contemporary Christianity.

Joshuanism: A Path Beyond Christianity is a well-researched, culturally relevant work that can draw even the staunchest of atheists into its engrossing and applicable discussions of theology and spirituality in everyday life.
From the author:

Knowing God can sometimes be the most difficult thing we as humans can do. Many obstacles stand in our way: societal distractions, the expectations of others, temptations, even ourselves. However, have you ever considered that the very religion you practice can be the greatest obstacle? Is it possible that the institutions, conventions, and accepted norms of your religion are so fraught with baggage, human distortion, and misconceptions that your religious pursuits are actually hurting you rather than helping you? If the answer is "yes", then perhaps you stumble in your pursuit of God because the road you're walking no longer truly leads to him. This book suggests that the answer is indeed "yes," and within this book is a road map back to the basics, back to the original intent. Yes, to go forward, we must go back. But by going back, we are thus compelled to go forward in a new direction with open minds and fresh ideas. You are therefore invited into an intriguing conversation, a journey of thought and theology, a path beyond that which you are currently experiencing. What is this path? It's called Joshuanism, and it is rooted in the same son of God Christianity worships: Jesus. Yet in this case, we are approaching him with a fresh, unencumbered perspective, preferring to call on him by his Hebrew name: Joshua.  If you indeed feel that what you've been doing has just not worked, or if you've never attempted to know God but feel you have the desire to do so, then you have been beckoned to evolve. So, come. Evolve. Be a part of the conversation...
The author (as posted on his Amazon page):

Michael Vito Tosto (age 35) is a theological and spiritual writer, and a former leader in the Christian church. A graduate of the University of Missouri with a degree in history, he has spent the last ten years researching the history and evolution of humanity's theological consciousness. A voracious reader, an avid fan of baseball and the films of the 1940s and 50s, and a self-proclaimed polymath, his other interests and pursuits include music production, poetry, photography, script writing, art, sociology, anthropology, geology, and all other Earth sciences. He lives in Saint Louis, Missouri, with his wife, Valerie. 

The author maintains a web presence, where he can be contacted:

Excerpt from the book:

If you come from a decidedly Christian background, you may have observed that one item in particular seems to be noticeably missing from the Five Elements. Indeed, “the Missing Element,” as it were, is so entrenched within Christian thought that it can hardly fail to be conspicuous in its absence. I am talking, of course, about sin. For reasons that I do not think I will ever quite understand, Christians seem to be obsessed with sin. They love to bathe both in the forgiveness of their sins and the guilt of their sins. On the one hand, Christians never tire of proclaiming unending gratitude for the great pardon the Son of God’s death purchased for them. But on the other hand, they wallow in their ongoing sinfulness, taking some sort of strange joy in the self-punishment and self-loathing that guilt inevitably brings, as though clinging to guilt will pay for what was supposed to be freely given in the first place. Moreover, because of his obsession with sin and guilt and the dark psychology associated with both, the Christian forsakes other worthier endeavors and weighs himself down with an impossible endeavor. What is this impossible endeavor? To stop sinning, of course. This endeavor is problematic for two reasons. First, only part of him truly wants to conquer the sin he professes to be plagued by; another part of him does not. Somewhere, deep within his psyche, he knows that to lose that sin and the familiar aches that come and go with it is to lose a piece of his identity and the comfort that comes with that identity. The same principle is applied to those people who are mentally unable to find happiness. Why can’t they find it? Because as soon as one problem is solved, their mind frantically searches for a new one, or invents one when a suitable replacement is not apparent. Why do humans do this? Because sadness is easier to control than happiness. Sadness requires very little of us. Happiness takes effort. It’s the same with sin. A sin that plagues you is, by definition, a sin you are familiar with. Rarely do humans willingly forsake that which is familiar to them, because familiarity brings comfort. The truth is that the man or woman who is afflicted by ongoing sinfulness is actually drawing a form of comfort from the affliction. That’s problem number one. Problem number two with the endeavor to stop sinning is this: it’s just not possible. You are never going to attain total sinlessness in this life. Never. What happens if you tell a child not to play with matches? The first chance the child gets he will play with matches. What happens when you throw all your effort toward ceasing to sin? You are just going to sin all the more. Why? Because your focus is on sin! You are so attentive to sinfulness that you cannot escape it. You are defeated before you even begin.
To purchase the book, send a note to orders@msipress.com, tell us that you read the excerpt here, and why you like the book. We will give you a 10% discount and free shipping (in the US). Those who live outside the US can get a better deal by purchasing from the Amazon online store in their part of the world.

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